Why do we find it so hard to change even when we know it's for our own good?
There are some important biological reasons for this.
First, even bad habits are rewarding. The brain values efficiency and when something gets used, the brain can go on autopilot. The brain is designed to reward habit, repetition and routine by releasing feel-good chemicals into our bodies. Therefore, the familiar makes us feel good, even if it obviously does us harm. This is why it is so hard to quit smoking. It is not the nicotine addiction that has proven difficult to overcome, but the behavioral habit of smoking. Our brains are programmed to see anything new as a threat and prevent us from moving forward. This is why change is so difficult. While we know it is necessary for us, our brain resists because it sees new experiences as a threat, causing anxiety and fear in an attempt to prevent us from moving forward. The good news is that awareness of these tendencies gives us the ability to stop automatic reactions and take control of our lives.
However, due to our programming, there are quite specific psychological barriers that can prevent change. These are:
- The fear of rejection, which ultimately leads to the need for approval.
- The fear of uncertainty, since we are programmed to seek certainty, comfort and familiarity and to avoid failure.
- Stuck in habits, since we are creatures of habit who value routine.
- Our tendency to suffer from disorganization, lack of clarity and destructive thinking.
- Lack of faith in our abilities or inability to trust ourselves.
- Fear of disappointment-failure: Lack of faith that something will work out for us and fear that we will not meet our own expectations or that others will not meet our expectations.
- Fear of unintended consequences. When one area of life changes, it can affect other areas, which may require other changes, which may be unpleasant. Or even, the changes may affect other people in our lives and it may seem difficult to handle their reaction.
- Lack of clarity and motivation. This is the tendency of people not to know what they want or why they want it.
So ask yourself now, which of the above reasons tend to hold you back?
Share your experience in the comments or send me a private message. This way you will help me to help other people on their own journey of change!
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